I'm going to ballpark that at several months based on my rudimentary understanding of the Roman calendar and my scant grasp of counting by ones. It's difficult to ballpark, however, whether or not anyone is still interested in reading this blog, were there in fact anything new to read.
Now seems like a good time to find out. If there's sufficient whooping and hollering in the comments section, I shall return. And by "sufficient whooping and hollering" of course, I mean, more than one person. I'm talking to you Jenni.
I'm here and I'm whooping and hollering in your comments. Raise the roof all up in har! :p
Hello! Your blog's on my RSS so if you post I will almost certainly read it.
Same here - I'm on the RSS! Bring it back!
You make me sound like some sort of stalker.o.O You know, I have better things to do than troll your blog, young man. My work was on a freaking Bobby Flay Throwdown--Shameless plug. So I haven't time for your Tom Foolery! :p . But it would be spiffy if you posted a bit now and then again. You were pretty funny. =)
PS, this is really narcissistic and we ought to refuse to be apart of this, sick, sick game!
i usually check once a week only to be disappointed and see a kid still kissing a pig....whoop...holler
Keep up the blog!!! I really enjoy reading it.
yeah, please continue :)
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