Sunday, April 27, 2008

Ku Klux Target

As a copywriter, I would have gone with "Kid's Computer Desk (Black)".

The only lingering question: is the computer desk for white people white? Or does the computer desk for white kids actually have a computer? Either way, I'm offended. Amused is probably more accurate, actually, but let's go with offended. I'm offended.


Unknown said...

Of course the white kid's computer table comes with a computer. In fact, it’s a computer built by Asian kids and priced above what Latino and Black kids can afford.

Target has finally stepped into the realm of social commentary and it’s welcome. You can't find this kind of truth at the New York Times.

Unknown said...

Oh and I forgot, Indian kids provide customer service for the computer.

Evan said...

Well said, black republican. Well said. coming to NYC soon or what?

Unknown said...

Word, we should get up soon. NYC is a great place I’m definitely getting bored of Bean Town. Too many college kids and Amish people. I swear they walk in the streets like they’ve never seen a car before.

I may be confusing the Amish with Hasidic Jews, but you get the idea. I'll be in touch!

Jennifer Good said...

Aw, they changed it "Kool Kolors Computer Desk - Classic Black"

Evan said...

George--Definitely not Amish.

Jenni--Thank God they're still using ebonics "K's" to appeal to their base.

Jennifer Good said...

I know! I was going to make a comment about Kool Kolors Komputer" but it just seemed wrong.