Mississippi--or, as I like to call it, America's Jellyroll--has a proposed bill that would effectively make it illegal for restaurants to serve obese people. You can read all about it,
here. I understand the thinking, don't get me wrong, but do legislators really think they're going to solve anything? Banning fat people from restaurants is like
banning crazy people from the 1AM time-slot on the Public Access channel. If fat people can't eat in public, they'll order in. And if they order in, by virtue of not having to get off their fat ass to walk to a restaurant, they're going to get fatter. And if they get fatter, who is going to do all the afternoon talk show specials about fat people getting air lifted out of their houses when they become too big to fit through the front door? Clearly they haven't thought this through. Maury Povich is only one man.
Banning us from resteraunts isn't going to solve anything.
Heh, and I was worried there wouldn't be enough room in the restraunts! Silly me...I also love the humorous threat-like comment left above. Very nice.
Well... Restaurants should install treadmills leading up to their doors. Anyway, this blog will be moot after Peak Oil.
Why ban them? I like when there are fat people around me while I'm supposed to be eating, it makes me stop.
Excellent Post.. I've got a site which showcases fat people eating.. needs development but you get the point... http://www.fatpeopleeating.com
yeah... I was just looking up fat people to see how big their upperleg area was compared to mine... and im wondering why the hell people used to call me a fatass in school. I disagree when you say that the fat people have to walk into a resturant to lose some weight. That would only work if fat people were forced to live atleast a mile away without a car or bike from a mcdonalds. And take out would only just get them killed. BUT on the bright side if they are banned from resturants, guess what? no more fat people driving which means that the gas prices will lower... by a small amount but atleast thats something right ^^
I think that all of you, with your pathetic comments and jokes about fat people need to have a long hard look in the mirror, Its not fair to judge people if they are over weight they still have feelings and emotions unlike you lot by the sound of it.
i think that all of you who arrived here because you google image searched "fat people eating" and read this blog post without so much as attempting to understand its broader context, or the disclaimer in bright green text off to the right... should consider that maybe, just maybe, this is all in good fun. a joke. not serious.
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