Sunday, January 13, 2008

Up Shit's Creek Without A Brain

Have you ever looked at a toilet and sincerely thought, "Gee, what's that for?" If you're able to read these words, you probably haven't. That's why when I saw this sign, allegedly posted above a toilet in Cambodia, I knew something was amiss.

If you need a sign to tell you not to squat atop a slippery porcelain pot filled with steamy feces, you've probably got bigger problems than falling into a toilet. I'm willing to bet anyone who has seriously considered this, has also considered jamming a fork into an electrical outlet.

You'd think sitting on a toilet would be pretty intuitive. It's basically a chair, after all. But the truth is, if someone went to the lengths of designing, printing, and posting an actual warning sign, someone must have already squatted on a toilet seat (and most likely fallen in.)

And when I say someone, I mean this guy...

RIP, my man. And thank you for not reproducing.


Unknown said...

I saw a sign like this in Vietnam!!! no joke. I also saw one in Japan w/ an illustration advising you to keep your face away from the bidet before operating it.

Evan said...

Oh man... the bidet makes sense though. I can see someone thinking it was a water fountain for midgets or something.

Monica said...

Perhaps good info for paranoid women who think they'll catch syphillis unless they have absolutely no contact with the toilet seat? (I have a Jewish mother, so I know whatof I speak).